Glad you’re here, friend.
If you’ve reached us through our varying entrepreneurial endeavors – ie., Cody’s posts on social media, as a past purchaser of our home-raised beef, an owner of a Pearce Dane, or through Stacy’s creative sites — we welcome you to our tiny home on the internet. It’s cozy. We’re sure to be fast friends.
Third and sixth generation cattlemen by heritage, yet first generation ranchers by the books.
Our family tree is deeply rooted in Oklahoma agriculture, so much so it’s nearly embedded into our DNA. Although we didn’t inherit our land or herd, we’re using generations of knowledge to continue our respective family’s legacies.

It’s our responsibility to raise healthy animals, and we do this by keeping our livestock safe, comfortable and healthy through each stage of life.
Ranching is our way of life, and we are passionate about maintaining a sustainable ranching program to ensure we’re able to live, work, and raise our daughters with this lifestyle as the foundation of their youth.
From our pasture
to your plate.
Our Oklahoma bred, born, raised, and harvested beef is ready for your order.